Thursday, May 8, 2008

Journal Entry 22

There have been a couple of equipment changes since my last entry. On Friday, chin controls were added to the wheelchair. I can drive the chair and change tilt positions using a toggle switch under my chin. I haven’t played with this much. I don’t think I will be able to drive very far, but it will be fine for short distances. I am looking forward to the ability to change the chair’s tilt without asking for help.

After having difficulty with the Bi-PAP machine, that was exchanged for a ventilator. The flexibility of the vent works better for me. I use a full face mask that I wear every night when using the vent. Communication is difficult, but I am able to sleep through the night for the first time in weeks.

My voice is about gone. I had been making and taking phone calls through my computer using Skype. While I have not turned off the account, I have changed my voice mail greeting directing callers to use our home phone number. I no longer answer calls or listen to voice mail.

Julie is typing this journal entry for me. The voice recognition software no longer works, and my neck muscles are not strong enough to type with the on screen keyboard. There will be fewer journal entries moving forward.

I am finding that smelling food that I can't eat is the worst part of being fed through a tube. Pizza is the biggest offender!

My next major events are a visit from my sister and her husband next week, followed by the Old River Ramble next weekend. (I’ll see you at the one-mile walk!) My brother comes to visit at the end of the month.

Julie and I are taking drives in the country three or four days a week. Having her home to care for me has been wonderful!